Skat uncovers your love life...
Summer season is here and some of us are opening our hearts more and more, the sun is shining and life has a sun-kissed touch... as you take your first steps towards that special someone, you ask yourself what the future has in store.
You want to know what is going on and you can be sure, that with the Skatkarten you are always one step ahead.
Here is a small spread to nail down and discover more about your relationship with that special somebody!
Take a deck of playing cards, shuffle well and lay 5 cards side by side.
Card 1 The current state of the relationship
Card 2 Your attitude or future attitude towards the relationship.
Card 3 How the other person is viewing the relationship.
Card 4 The outcome / development of the relationship.
Card 5 An advice to keep in mind.
The image below shows and example beginning with the Jack of Diamonds:

Card 1 The current state of the relationship
The Jack of Diamonds shows there is a new chance, a lucky situation in the love life of the querent.
Card 2 Your attitude or future attitude towards the relationship.
The second card - which shows the querent's attitude - is talking about emotions - so the
querent already is touched by Amor's arrow.
Card 3 How the other person is viewing the relationship.
With the 7 of Diamonds as important card for the other person, we see that the partner is expecting more than actually exists, maybe more time or better signals from the querent to move on. Shown with Diamond card is also a hint that the other person might not be that affected than the querent is.
Card 4 The outcome / development of the relationship.
The outcome of the relationship with the 10 of Diamonds, normally the financial card, is showing that this relationship won't get that emotional depth that the querent is hoping or seeing in this chance.
Card 5 An advice to keep in mind.
The final card - the advice card with communication card is a hint to talk about it at a special point, because the difference between the two people would be a remaining conflict in their relationship. But... there are plenty more fish in the sea!
So have a great weekend and a lot of fun when you take a closer look at your next flirt!