New Moon Magic - Sagittarius with a glitch.
My hand dandy journal tells me that its a new moon in Sagittarius right now, but its an American journal. So when I look at my moon phase calculator and various other ephemeris they tell me that in the UK the moon is still in Scorpio for a few hours yet. Until 10:57pm to be exact. Luckily your average Sagittarius isn't going to haul me over the coals for this little glitch (although the Scorpios might *winks*).

Sagittarians are curious creatures who are always on the look out for a new adventure. Unless they think you aren't being upfront and honest with them, they'd rather not stress the little stuff. This can being a bit infuriating for those of us who are natural stress heads, but it is a great piece of shadow work. So this month let's look at what's stressing us out and stopping us taking a chance on a new adventure.
Cards Drawn - 5 of Coins & 7 of Swords

Remember: if you aren't working with the cards drawn for you above and want to draw your own then, then the first card is drawn from the top of the deck and is your "head of the matter" card and the card drawn from the bottom is your "heart of the matter" card.
Four coins over shadow the larger fifth coin in the centre, the ultimate goal, my hearts desire is being overshadowed by other annoyances that are tying up my resources. Or so I *think*, this is my head card after all. The 7 of swords suggests that there is a way to cut through the blockages, it shields the central boss which is a reflection of the coin in the previous card and is stopping them from closing in tight like scissors cutting that goal off completely. Sevens are about improvement and luck, so whats stopping me take a chance? Probably the fact that in my heart I am afraid that the goal has changed and it isn't truly what I want. It's doesn't look quite the same as its counter part does it?
The journal prompts for this month are:
What is it that is stressing me out? - there could be more than one
How can I cut through my blockages?
What new perspective could I take to achieve my goal?
In what way might I be self sabotaging myself in achieving this goal?
This months deck is the "Tarot Millenaire de Marseille" by the wonderful Chris Butler. It's a Marseille with a funky almost 70's disco feel and has been my go to deck for the last month or so. He's the creative genius behind the Healing Light Tarot and Lenormand. You can find out more about Chris and his work here.
Bright Blessings
