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Meet the Speakers!

Writer's picture: Toni @thecardgeekToni @thecardgeek

Not long to go now and the Lenormand SUMMIT 2024 will be in full swing! Here is our "Meet the Speakers" blog to giddy up the proceedings! This year, instead of the formal bios and introductions, you will learn a little about how we met each of the speakers and what they mean to us!

Firstly, let's take a look at the World Divination Team who make this possible:


I am guilty of writing this blog and all of the personal bits below come from me :) I am Toni, also known as @thecardgeek on social media. I founded World Divination a number of years ago as a safe place for traditional readers to find their home. There were so many intuitive reading groups at the time and I just wanted to be amongst other people who were wanting to practice reading according to the system's original information. World Divination has become a community of likeminded diviners who just want to practice without the drama! The speakers at our conferences have become firm lifetime friends.


This is Jane, my love and my working partner, Director of World Divination. Jane has many strengths that compliment my own and when it comes to Lenormand she talks straight to the point! Jane is a medium and works with many clients around the world, communicating with passed loved ones and naturally their spiritual guides. Jane loves nothing more than to open up a deck and settle into channel mode! Jane is Author of "Sigils: A Tool for Manifestation" and her new book on Ogham Divination will be released soon! Jane can be found on social media with the tag @janematthewsmediumhip

Jane's session "Scrying and Mediumship with Lenormand" will open your eyes to channeling with a Grand Tableau!


Meet Maria, BFF extraordinaire and general bigger upper of everything we do! Maria is Director of World Divination and our head Tarot teacher. Many won't realise that Maria also reads other systems, from Belline to Kipper and Lenormand! We met many many moons ago in not the most positive of circumstances! But... we both thawed (maybe even grew a little) and we have not looked back since. Maria is an incredible friend, but also an amazing reader, creator and now Author (yes her new book coming soon! follow Maria to make sure you don't miss updates!). You can find Maria on social media @thesibylstarot




So let's now have a look at the line up we have for you on 22nd and 23rd June!


Rana George is our headline speaker with a 2 hour session on "Discovering Psychology through Lenormand" - Rana is our number one speaker at every Lenormand Summit and a true friend for many years! I met Rana at Readers Studio a number of years ago (in fact I cannot remember how many years ago but would guess at around 6). I was nervous to be there for the first time, the little English person amongst all the amazing names in Divination... I needn't have worried! I was setting up my table on the night before the conference and in walks Rana, arms wide open and a "Toni!" exclamation as she threw her arms around me for the biggest hug. Rana is a true leader in the Lenormand world, leading with love and compassion for all. Author of The Essential Lenormand and the Rana George Lenormand, Rana can be found on instagram @ranageorge1 and on her website


Donnaleigh is known to many as THE queen of making sense with Lenormand and we are looking forward to the unlocking Lenormand Truths session at the summit! I was fortunate enough to meet Donnaleigh in the hotel at Readers Studio many moons ago, her and Bo gave the warmest welcome, like the years on Facebook actually counted as true friends rather than "just someone I know on FB". Donnaleigh has made Lenormand accessible to all readers and continues to be a leading light and a wonderful person! Find Donnaleigh on insta @donnaleigh_de_larose or on YouTube


Malkiel is one of my favourite all time friends met on social media. Although we lived within the same country we actually didn't make it to meet up (but when I need a friend ... Malkiel is always there!). Malkiel is 7th Generation Astrologer and Energy worker, and has had many TV appearances from Astro TV to the German equivalent of "I'm a celeb get me out of here"! Malkiel works predominantly with the Lenormand and Kipper systems and his no nonsense approach to the cards leaves his clients in no doubt as to what they can expect! Find Malkiel on instagram @malkiel_rouven_dietrich and his website


Alexandre I met online, his decks caught my eye and we quickly became friends and I have to admit I own a LOT of his decks! ... the shiniest deck of all was created by Alexandre "The Prisma Lenormand" which has recently been rereleased Alexandre is one of the nicest people in the divination world and shares his love of the system with people around the world. We have known one another for going on 10 years now and I feel fortunate to have his original decks before the publishers found these gems! Find Alexandre on instagram @alexandremusruck.


Serge is another amazing diviner I met on Facebook and as soon as the concept for Lenormand Summit arose (about 5 years ago) I knew Serge had to be a speaker! Serge is adept at sharing traditional techniques and explaining with ease how to apply to your readings without much ado! This year Serge's session will focus on "Using the GT for a specific question" - an in-depth look at answering a straight question with the Grand Tableau! You will find Serge on instagram @serge_pirotte and on his website


I adore Tina, she has become beyond a friend and someone who will be there no matter what. An incredible lady and an incredible diviner. Not only that, if you need someone to solve a crime with divination or mediumship, Tina is the person for you!! When I first met Tina she had an FBI sweatshirt on and I knew we were going to be great friends ... and years on we still are. Tina has collaborated on many decks and systems and now has an upcoming book ... make sure you follow Tina to learn more @hardtomancy. I was lucky enough to work with Tina on Sirens Song Lenormand & Kipper.


I remember meeting V on the cover of a Readers Studio magazine before chatting and getting to know one another, "wow", I thought, "a hula hooping, card slinging lady who makes both look like the easiest thing in the world!" V is founder of Redlight Readings and the most personable personality online! V doesn't just make Lenormand easy to read, she also adds a whole heap of personality into reads that make the Lenormand reflect reality. Find V on instagram @redlightreadings and come and join her session on "Lenormand and Self-Care".


Emily is a speaker I met through Rana George, a wonderful diviner, Emily has created a unique Lenormand teaching style that allows the reader to talk to their system like they are conversing with a friend. Emily strives to embolden Lenormand readers, grow their confidence and really step out of the Lenormand closet with flair! You can find Emily's courses on her website and of course follow her on Instagram @emilyrosedivination


Ben is another friend I have made on Facebook, known as @libradoestarot on Instagram, Ben came into World Divination with a bang, his readings and interpretations stood out for their content and deep dives. Ben loves the traditional system of Game of Hope and will be walking you through the techniques you can use in your Grand Tableau. The Game of Hope techniques (ca. 1799) add movements and a depth of information that goes hand in hand with your other Lenormand techniques. Take a step back in time, enjoy the Game of Hope seen through Ben's eyes.


Thomas is a recent friend, someone who passed through my feed and I thought ... yep I can imagine we will get on well! Do you know the Seaborn Kipper? I presume so! Thomas is a deck creator, teacher and reader who has a passion for many systems. At this years Lenormand Summit, Thomas will be bringing forth the need we all have to mix our systems with his session on "Combining Lenormand with Tarot and Oracle for Multidimensional Readings". Follow Thomas on instagram @hermitsmirror and website


Tasha has become an integral part of our conferences for the last 5 years at least! A valued participator in World Divination and a friendship grew out of our mutual love of Lenormand and of course teaching others to love it as much as we do! Tasha is a seasoned reader who is available to all her clients here: Tasha's session this year is "The Who's who of the Lenormand Oracle" and she will be busting all the myths and helping you discover who is attending your reads! Follow Tasha on instagram @divine_calling.


Simply one. of the most creative friends we could have! Andrea is something special in the divination community, a light who always has a creative spark to twist things up a bit, making us question our reality rather than just accepting this is divination. Andrea is an artist, one who births huge dreams into a tangible offering, from Oracolarium to the Book of Shadows to the BRAND NEW and soon to be released The Ghastly Lenormand from the Grave - see your next new obsession at Andrea's session and follow on instagram @artistandreaaste and enter the world of Andrea Aste on his website:


Emilie is a brand NEW friend for this conference and that is exactly why we love a good get together ... new divination friends every time! Emilie is creator of Simplicity Tarot and it's sister which is released on Kickstarter Simplicity Lenormand which aims to demystify the Lenormand system, making it accessible and enjoyable for all learning levels. At the Summit Emilie will speak on "Astro-Lenormand: Integrating Astrology with Lenormand Readings Made Simple" Follow Emilie on instagram @emiliemuniztarot and her website


AJ is one of my favourite people in the whole universe, not only an amazing gentleman, AJ offers a belly laugh in every conversation! His sessions in the past conferences have not only been hugely helpful to students, but has also taken the "serious" out of serious subjects! The world needs more AJs to brighten up the path and put the fun back into learning. AJ's session this year is titled "Once Upon A Time - navigating the woods to arrive safely at Grandmother's house" - don't miss it!


Debbie is an integral part of the World Divination team and of course a friend who loves divination, she is a mentor and group leader for World Divination Belgium & The Netherlands. Debbie is not only a team member, she is founder of "All Things Divination" where you can find her reading and creating beautiful divination items. Debbie's session "The GT .... but Different" will open your eyes to an alternative view of your Lenormand cards. Make sure you follow Debbie on instagram to get the latest updates @all_things_divination.


Liam is a recent friend, who has moved from being in my timeline to someone I greatly admire. Eloquent beyond my capabilities, Liam brings a sense and order to the systems that just feels so intuitively common sense! Liam offers so many amazing things from Life Path readings to weekly meditation classes. We are looking forward to his session on "Mental Filters with Lenormand" - make sure you follow Liam on instagram @hiddenpathwaysdivination and website


Julia came into our lives through a YouTube live, we then followed on instagram and have been loving the "lunchbreak Lenormand" shorts! Julia will be speaking on "Wordplay with Lenormand", a perfect tool for every Lenormand reader, combining wordplay with cards to create fuller interpretations! Follow Julia on instagram @aplacetodock and on her Youtube where you will find weekly readings and more!


Do you have questions? Feel free to email us



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