Mediumship reading week ahead 20th - 27th February

This week could be quite turbulent emotionally, there may have been very intense feelings at times this month and you could have been looking at why things have happened within your past that you have not thought of for quite some time. You may well have found yourself reflecting upon your life and the ways in which you have came to be the person you are today. Mercury has been in retrograde and this has heavily influenced people to be looking at their lives and past experiences, offering the chance to heal, release and let go of the old ways which could have been very limiting to you.
This week try not to involve yourself in any conflicts but instead come from a place of peace, peace within yourself will ripple through to you having more of a peace with others around you. People can only create conflict if you can react and there is a real need for you to really choose your battles wisely and not react to things in the ways in which you normally would. This will bring a lot more balance towards you and you will have clarity in the ways for which you might want to move forward from things, be it work or in the relationships that you have with others. There is a full moon coming up on the 27th and this energy is going to really aid you in being able to do this. If you are feeling in any way fatigued by the emotional rollercoaster that has been this past few weeks then really take the time to replenish yourself, practise some self love and really be kind to you. Being kind to yourself is equally as important as being kind to others and if possible try and create a routine for yourself to practise this. It could be anything from having a relaxing bath to meditating, watching your favourite movie or listening to some music each day that really makes you feel good. Little things can create massive differences to how you can handle things within your life.
You could be gaining some knowledge and there could be people approaching you for you to give your input into situations. Try to look at things objectively and at the bigger picture, it is going to allow you to see with clarity each step that will need to be taken for things to work out successfully in this situation. Do not doubt yourself this week, know that you have all the skills you need through the experiences that you have had to really assist others and from that a new period of growth is going to be commencing. You have laid the foundations and it is almost time now for things to really come to fruition. You could need to persevere at times as there could be the tendency to have some fears or doubt your capabilities but this is going to be easily overcome and you will certainly see how things are changing for the better by the end of the week.
There is a lot of movement occurring in people's lives presently, from physical moves to personally moving away from old ways of being. The emphasis is all about change and what is needing to be changed to create more fulfillment in life. This does not need to be drastic but can be ones that you may not feel has much significance. Everything does have significance though and if you find yourself wanting to change the furniture around your home or even have a different hairstyle, then it would be a good time to do this. You are then starting to shape the things around you into the way you want them and that is the butterfly effect that is going to then filter through to all areas within your life.
It's a week for making time for yourself, making time for others, trying to avoid being confrontational (which is very different from setting healthy boundaries and expressing your needs), embrace yourself and any changes that are occurring around you.

Jane Matthews is the author of this post! You can hang out with Jane and other like-minded peers in our Members Group on Facebook!
Do you want a reading with Jane? Check out her page The Little Warlock and enjoy her talent!

Brought to you by Maria Alviz Hernando, WDA Tarot Teacher, and Blog Coordinator.
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