Lenormand Instructions

For those of you who like to see the older instructions please see below a number of images collected by Lenormand enthusiasts.
Please note the below are translated from the German Original (Lenormand Erklärung ca. 1850). The German Originals are really difficult to read, but some parts are clear enough to suggest the English translation was, on occasions, a little lacking or misleading. 1 Knight / Cavalier, indicates good news, but a little removed, it can have to do with the residence of the person, or arrival from a foreign country. This card is a messenger of good fortune, when it is not surrounded by sinister cards. 2 Clover, is also a harbinger of good news, surrounded by clouds it is the omen of great pain, if this card is located close to a querent, these sorrows will not be long-term, and will have a happy ending. 3 Ship, the symbol of commerce, signifies great wealth, acquired by trade or inheritance, if near to the querent it signifies a journey. 4 House, means success and prosperity in all undertakings. Even when the present situation of the person is unfortunate, they can expect a better future. If this card is located in the middle of the spread, under the person, this is a hint to be on their guard regarding those who surround them. 5 Tree, far from the person, is a sign of health, several together do not leave any doubt on the accomplishment of their wishes or on a brilliant fortune in the future. 6 Clouds, when their clear side is turned towards the person, is a happy sign, but if this is the obscure side, some trouble will not delay arising. 7 Serpent, is a sign of misfortune, that is ruled by whether the card is close to or far from the person, invariably followed by deceit, infidelity and sorrow. 8 Coffin, very close to the person, invariably means serious illness, death and the total loss of fortune. Further from the person this card is the less dangerous. 9 Bouquet, of flowers means much happiness in all respects. 10 Scythe, omen of a great danger only avoided when it is surrounded by good cards. 11 Rod, means discord in the family, domestic sorrows, dissension between spouses, fever or extended illness. 12 Birds, means difficulties that one will have to withstand, but of short duration. Far from the person, this card is the sign of a happy trip. 13 Child, is a sign that one has only good associations, and that one is full of goodness with regard to everyone. 14 Fox, if this card is close, it is necessary to beware of those one is in contact with, because someone seeks to fool us, in the opposite case there is no danger. 15 Bear, is either a messenger of good fortune, or indicates it is necessary to distance ourselves from company, especially envious people. 16 Star signifies fortune in all enterprises, but if close to clouds, it indicates lots of unhappy occurrences. 17 Stork, close to the person, indicates a change of current residence, the closer to the querent the sooner.
18 Dog, very near, assures faithful and sincere friendships, distant and surrounded by clouds it warns one not to trust those that call themselves our friends.
19 Tower, signifies a long and happy old age, but surrounded by clouds, it forewarns of illness, disease, even depending on the circumstances also death.
20 Garden or Forest, signifies getting together with respected company, very near it shows an intimate friendship, removed, this is a sign of false friends.
21 Mountain, close to the person, warns about a powerful enemy, but when distant one can count on powerful friends.
22 Roads, surrounded by clouds are signs of misfortune, far from clouds and the person, there are ways or means that we will find to escape a danger.
23 Mouse, is a sign of theft, if it is near, one will recover what is taken, if it is far away, the loss is irretrievable.
24 Heart, sign of joy, union and bliss.
25 Ring, to the right of the person announces a rich and happy marriage, but removed and to the left it announces a broken engagement or separation of two lovers.
26 Book, a secret will come to light, its position allows us to judge what it concerns, it is necessary to act with caution when trying to discover it.
27 Letter, without clouds marks a happiness derived from pleasant news coming from afar, but if clouds are located with their dark side near the person, they must expect a lot of sorrows.
28 Gentleman
29 Lady
30 Lily, announces a happy life, surrounded by clouds, it indicates family grief. If this card is located above the person, it designates virtue, below, it casts doubts on their good morals.
31 Sun, close, its rays shine, and allow happiness to bloom, but from afar it cools, brings sorrow and misfortune. Without the presence of Sun, nothing can grow.
32 Moon, is a sign of great honour, fortune and fame if close to the person, on the contrary, if it is distant it announces misfortune.
33 Key, very near announces the certain success of a matter but distant it is the opposite.
34 Fish, close to the querent signifies making a fortune in a maritime enterprise, and a series of successful undertakings, but if it is distant, failure of projects no matter how well planned.
35 Anchor, is the sign for luck at sea, in trade and in love, but in the distance it indicates an error of judgement and the love of a butterfly.
36 Cross, is always unlucky, nevertheless if it is very close to the person, one has hope it won’t last long.
Below you can find images featuring the original pages where the information can be found!

This post has been authored by Toni Puhle, Founder of World Divination Association, author of Polly Sunset Lenormand, The Card Geek Kipper Deck, The Card Geek's Guide to Kipper Cards, co-author of Rainbow Kipper (to be released in 2021) Reader and Mentor. Learn from Toni Puhle through her courses, available at our Teachable platform. Brought to you by Maria Alviz Hernando, WDA Tarot Teacher, and Blog Coordinator.