Divination NEWS!
There is a lot happening in the Divination World, from new releases in Decks and Books to conferences and parties! Take a moment to delve into the upcoming and share with us your favourite releases in the World Divination Association group on Facebook!

The BIGGEST News this week is Divination PRIDE, our party of the year with amazing speakers lined up in a party like atmosphere, celebrating the diversity within our community. Tickets are available HERE.
If you have your ticket, it is time to join the group: HERE.

We have chosen some new releases for you this week, decks and accompanying books that will add dimension to your divination bookshelf!
Inner Eye Oracle
by Steven Bright published by RedFeather
The Inner Eye Oracle takes me back to the salons of fortune tellers in the early 20th Century, a deck that screams "prophecy" and settles the querent into a world where anything is possible. Steven's artwork coupled with the insights in the accompanying guidebook has created a reading system that is both easy to read and navigate and is also an eye catching "wow what is this?" in the world of divination. The red edging and simple symbols create a beautiful deck to work with. In addition, the cards are larger than a playing card and demand attention on your reading table. Wow your clients and step into your best psychic self with this deck!
Buy the Inner Eye Oracle Here:
Siren's Song Lenormand & Kipper
by Carrie Paris, Toni Savory & Tina Hardt published by Weiser Books
The Siren's Song Lenormand & Kipper set is a journey into the depths with two systems working in flow with one another. The cards follow the Siren's tones and readers can indulge in reading the two systems with ease. Lenormand and Kipper are both 36 Card Systems from Germany, which work beautifully in telling the story of the querent's life and leave no stone uncovered. Quite direct in its message, the set will not hold back on the narrative, perhaps THE easiest system of Divination to learn! The artwork, lovingly created by Carrie Paris creates a cohesive bond between the Lenormand and Kipper decks and the accompanying Guidebook will leave the reader in no doubt as to what message is being relayed.
Pre-order Sirens Song HERE: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sirens-Song-Lenormand-144-Page-Guidebook/dp/1578638062
SIGILS: A Tool for Manifestation & Empowerment
by Jane Matthews published by RedFeather
SIGILS: A Tool for Manifestation & Empowerment is the perfect tool for all diviners. This easy to use set explains in detail how to create Sigils to improve any situation in life. Whether you are wanting to manifest a 6 figure salary or encourage love into your life or even just asking advice on daily matters, this is the deck for you! Jane has made Sigils easy and fun for all to use! The best part of the sigils journey with Jane is that you can learn how to draw and create your own sigils, protection, manifestation and just to empower you in your daily life!
Buy Sigils: A Tool for Manifestation & Empowerment HERE:
Tarot Médiéval: The Mysteries of the Initiate's Path
by Caitlín Matthews published by RedFeather
Caitlín Matthews breathes life into the Tarot Médiéval and walks the reader through the words and interpretation of this historical deck. Tarot Médiéval, Mysteries of the Initiate’s Path is an in depth instruction on how to divine with the Oswald Wirth school of Tarot, releasing the magical context within each card. Caitlín explains clearly and concisely how to read Tarot Médiéval whilst offering personal meditations that will enhance a diviner's connection with historical esoteric roots. An absolute “must - have” for every divination fan, this book belongs in the tarot hall of fame.
Buy Tarot Médiéval HERE:
“THE Tarot release of the decade! Step back into the world of Tarot Médiéval and delve into the magic of the system”, Toni Savory, Founder World Divination Association.

This week: Modern Lenormand
This weekend: Divination PRIDE
30th July: Lenormand Interpersonal Relationships
5th August: Numerology
7th August: Trance Mediumship
21st August: Flower Psychometry
4th September Spanish Cartomancy Level 1 -https://world-divination-association.teachable.com/p/spanish-cartomancy-1
11th September: Quantum Mediumship
18th September: Psychic Development
18th September: Animal Healing & Mediumship
25th September From Vague to Vivid: Decode Oracle Cards to Get Specific Insights
9th October Spanish Cartomancy Level 2
23rd October Spanish Cartomancy Level 3

Date: 29th July & 30th July
Where: Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1170820566899425
Who: Everyone
Charity: OutRight International
Tickets: https://www.worlddivinationassociation.com/divinationpride (from £15)

"Divination PRIDE is important to me because it shows the diversity of consciousness" - Joe Monteleone
"Divination Pride is dear to my heart because it’s all about supporting those who are seeing their rights compromised and attacked. It’s not only about the freedom to love who you love, but about the freedom to exist as you are and enjoy the same rights of the majority. Divination Pride welcomes and celebrates queerness in divination and all aspects of life!" - Maria Alviz Hernando
"Divination Pride is important to me because it's fun, it's supportive to minorities and it sends a message that queerness is ok in the spiritual field. 💖 I love to put my contribution in as a speaker because it adds up to our visibility while it's giving me a platform to offer a service that I love". Alvia Crescens
"I am honoured to be a part of this event which truly showcases how diverse we are as a community but how it is through that diversity we can evolve and grow our own practises and hopefully inspire the next generation of readers. As someone who growing up always felt like an outsider, to play a part in bringing people together through a shared love of divination is an incredible experience". - Ben Tomlin
"I am excited to be participating in Divination Pride this year! Events like this one offer a special opportunity for both presenters and attendees to connect in community, to feel seen and validated, no matter our identity, and to support causes that are important to us. But participating in pride events like this one is extra special to me because, as a queer femme, I walk through the world with a certain amount of invisibility. Taking part in this event affords me a rare opportunity to be fully visible in my queerness and to share on topics I'm passsionate about with like minded folk! I can't wait!" - Lisa Papez
"Why is World Divination Pride important to me? To me it's important for visibility. To create a safe space to practice your own style of Divination and express yourself authentically. Especially in a world that is wanted to say hide who you are". - Stella Boheme
"For me, this event is important for various reasons. Having the opportunity to highlight something that has given me so much, developed me as a person is one reason. Another is that every opportunity to show the world the versatility that WDA offers through its generosity and the acceptance for each individual to be exactly who they are is worth so much". - Liisa Korhonen
Tickets: https://www.worlddivinationassociation.com/divinationpride (from £15)

And now to the best bit ...
Simply add the coupon code: PRIDE
To any course here (or the links above): https://world-divination-association.teachable.com/courses

We hope you are enjoying the summer months and will see you at our events above!
Don't forget to tag us in on social media @worlddivination @thecardgeek