The Card Geek's Guide to Kipper - 2nd Wave!

Due to high demand, a second print run of The Card Geek's Guide to Kipper has been ordered! If you missed your chance first time around, why not treat yourself now!? Have you always wanted to learn the art of fortune telling? All you need is this book and a Kipper Deck (both conveniently available in my shop!!) -you can do it! In the original Kipper Deck dating back to the 19th Century the instructions said that ANYONE and EVERYONE can see their future with these cards - jump in now with a full manual to walk you step by step!

What are Kipper Cards? The Kipper Deck dates back to 19th Century Germany, consist of 36 Cards of a situational nature and their application to every day life is phenomenal - you can really knock your friends socks off with your 2018 Predictions! As Nike says .... JUST DO IT! Wish you all a wonderful run up to Christmas and here's hoping there is a Kipper Deck in your stocking! Stalk me around social media:
#hauptperson2 #hauptperson1 #mc2 #maincharacter #tcgkipper #fortuneteller #fortuneteller #predict #Wla #Learncards #win #worldkipperassociation #worldlenormandassociation #thecardgeek #spellboundofnyack #kipperdeck #learnkipper #kipper201 #TheCardgeek #kippercourse #thecardgeeksguide #kipper101 #Kipper #Kipperkarten #Spellboundofnyack #kippercards #Kippercards #wahrsagekarten #TCGKIPPER