1. Rider
All good stories have a starting point and we are visiting the starting point of the Rana George Lenormand, 1. Rider.
Early instructions for the Rider cards state: The Rider (Knight or Cavalier in the early instructions) is a Good Luck bringer, when not surrounded by negative cards, particularly good news from their hometown or from afar, but it will be a little while before fulfillment.
We have visited Rana's cards already and by now you will be familiar with each card having a background. The Rider Card is no exception and when the deck is released by US Games in Summer this year (www.usgamesinc.com) the accompanying booklet will highlight the roots of the RG Rider card as a French officer from the time of the French mandate on Lebanon .. I personally cannot wait to read it! Lets have a look back in time to the roots of this RG Card!

And below we see Charles de Gaulle in Beyrouth, 1929. If you wish to look up the history of the Lebanese Independence Day, you will understand why CDG is in important influence on the Rider Card - here is a short hint: "On July 14, 1941, an armistice was signed in Acre ending the clashes between the two sides and opening the way for General Charles de Gaulle's visit to Lebanon, thus ending Vichy's control"
He was indeed considered to be 1. Rider.

Now you have your little insight into the links between the 1. Rider Card and the images upon the Rana George Rider Card we should really take that sneak peak you have been waiting for.....

Isn't he magnificent!? ..... Comment your thoughts on the story and card - put it on your wish list and stay tuned for more card reveals and in the meantime read our exclusive Rana George Interview here: https://lenormandworld.com/2016/04/15/rana-george-exclusive-interview-3
Rana George:

Rana George is the author of the Best Seller and the highly acclaimed “The Essential Lenormand: Your Guide to Precise & Practical Fortunetelling” A respected presence in the modern divination community, Rana leads regular workshops and study groups. For close to 30 years, Rana has been a psychic, counselor, mentor, teacher, medium, and is always a lifelong student. Lead classes/workshop and presentations at the San Francisco BATS 2013, 2014, 2015, NewYork Readers Studio, and was a main presenter at Dallas TarotCon 2012, 2013 and 2014. She has consulted on the design of several Lenormand decks, and published several articles on cartomancy. Rana just finished working on her new deck
The Rana George Lenormand soon to be published and released by U.S.Games
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