The Fox
This week in the Endorsed Reader Program we have been debating the Fox Card and what it means in different combinations and also when used as a description for a person.
Which is naturally a great opportunity to sneak peak the Rana George Lenormand Fox Card!

In our own way, we debated the Fox Essence and where certain progressive meanings have come from, the early instructions list 14. Fox as:
14. Fox, if this card is close, beware of acquaintances, someone seeks to deceive us. Far away there is no danger
and the earlier Game of Hope instructions state:
The sly Fox drives the Player insane who then must find refuge back in the Forest No. 5
The essence of the Fox card when taking the above into account is then, "Wrongness". There is something wrong in the situation around us, it is a sign that we need to be wary and on the look out!
An interesting meaning we discussed is found in The Essential Lenormand by Rana George (a book that we recommend for all learner Lenormand Readers).
One point includes a description of "Patient" when using the Fox Card. We debated and discussed and then contacted Rana for her understanding of this interpretation. Now this is what I personally LOVE about the Lenormand Community as a whole, you ask a question and you get an answer, Rana is not an Author who has no time for you, Rana is quite the opposite, she shares her knowledge and love of Lenormand freely and without asking for something in return - she oozes Lenormand good juju! When asked on the description of "Patient" Rana stated:
Patient is under the description as in being patient before a strike!
You know, waiting, lurking, biding your time until the time is right.
Patient when you are describing a person under that context is when that person is taking his/her time planning/contemplating/devising.
It is only under description and in a very certain situation. Fox is something sneaky, manipulative and deceptive.
So when asked about a particular combination 6. CLOUDS + 14. FOX with regards to the interpretation of "Patient" Rana stated:
Cloud + Fox is something to be very careful off, nothing is being cleared here. Au contraire, the Fox is using the Clouds - that combo is not good, it is full on trouble. And if you are describing a person using those combos, it is still very bad because the Clouds is very negative for me and it brings out all the negative aspects of the Fox.
Thank you Rana, not only for sharing your understanding of these cards but also for being open to debate and helping out our Endorsed Readers!
The Rana George Lenormand is coming soon to US Games Inc and I am absolutely expecting to see a lot of spreads in the WLA groups using this beautiful deck.
What does this combo mean to you? Look how the clouds show their dark and light side, darkening onto our Fox who runs in the alleyways in Lebanon where the deck is set.
Rana shared with us her memories of Foxes as a child, I remember in stories and tv shows while growing up, the fox was always in the alleyways and in the town stealing chickens.. basically the fox is always amongst us hiding in plain sight. This is why I wanted my fox so close to homes, and in the peaceful alley.
My take-aways from the exchange is just as Rana eloquently says
"The Fox is always amongst us - hiding in plain sight!" Rana George
If you would like to be one of the first to receive the Rana George Lenormand, make sure you keep your eyes peeled on the US Games Inc website
Stay tuned for more card reveals and in the meantime read our exclusive Rana George Interview here:
Rana George:

Rana George is the author of the Best Seller and the highly acclaimed “The Essential Lenormand: Your Guide to Precise & Practical Fortunetelling” A respected presence in the modern divination community, Rana leads regular workshops and study groups. For close to 30 years, Rana has been a psychic, counselor, mentor, teacher, medium, and is always a lifelong student. Lead classes/workshop and presentations at the San Francisco BATS 2013, 2014, 2015, NewYork Readers Studio, and was a main presenter at Dallas TarotCon 2012, 2013 and 2014. She has consulted on the design of several Lenormand decks, and published several articles on cartomancy. Rana just finished working on her new deck
The Rana George Lenormand soon to be published and released by U.S.Games
Instagram @ranageorge1
SnapChat ranageorge1
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